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Community Learning Space


Together with Playcloud, we have designed a four-weeks Playful Identity Process
to help Playable Museum in Chiang Rai province promote learning through play
concept with children in the community. As we realized that there are many play frameworks and models that are ready to introduce to a learning community, yet it fails to match with the cultural context in each community. Thus, we need to understand the people, culture and the way children learn in a different context and 
tailor-made the model that help them learn best through play


Playable Museum is a non-profit organization (NGO) that  promotes a learning through play concept to children, teachers and parents in Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai province by providing learning and play space. They also preserve insightful indigenous knowledge about play and folk toys. Most toys are made from wood, coconut shell, or bamboo-with a name, description and directions on how to play. Each one has an implicit meaning, erecting life, culture and social changes.

Play Identity Process

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Play Identity Process bridges the concept of learning with the local community, creating a Playful Learning Community Identity that drives a clear direction for the Learning Space.

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5 Steps for the Incubation Processes of creating Learning Space Identity

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Online Workshop with Playable Museum

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